Tips Toward A Harmonious And Happy Family

Tips Toward A Harmonious And Happy Family

Who is the man who does not want to have a family that sakinah. Happy family in the world and the hereafter. Although everyone wants families in the community are a family of sakinah, yet very few know how to tips to build families. sakinah

Sakinah family is where we take shelter from all problems of life. Homes on the content with a family of sakinah will be homes on long for. Home Air owners will entertain hearts every time we stop in the House.

How to build a family of sakinah? How to build a family of sakinah should know as early as possible, not only at the time of getting married. A teenager has to understand how to build a family tips sakinah before he entered at the age of marriage and later underwent the marriage.

There are a few tips on how to build happy family sakinah mawadah warahmah in the shade of Islam i.e. include:

The household was built and Established based on the Qur'an And the Sunnah of the Prophet

The principle of intention as well as beginning when a pioneering family in the form of a wedding that Shah well in both religious and legal rules in the country in the framework of the establishment of a family of sakinah is households that built on the cornerstone of taqwa, according to Quran and Sunnah and not on the basis of sheer love.

Forming Households To Create Compassion (Mawaddah Warahmah)

This is a way of fostering a happy family and sakinah next. In the absence of ' al-mawaddah ' as well as ' al-Nurses ', then a society will not be able to live quietly and safely primarily within the scope of a small family.

Two important pillars it is necessary because of the nature of the affection that existed in a household can give birth to a happy society, mutual respect, mutual trust and mutual tolong-menolong in its goodness.

Without compassion, a marriage will crumble, happiness will only be a dream all alone. And this is the hallmark of the happy family criteria including sakinah mawaddah.

Thankful To Have Been Blessed With Life Partner

Thanks to the delights of God is an obligation for each of the slaves. Because it is not a little man who until the end of life does not have a spouse.

Thanks to this also means we are ready with the advantages and disadvantages of our life partner. Whatever that is. Because generally when our first acquaintance will only know the goodness-goodness of our spouses.

After we sail the ships gradually household we will also know the flaws in our wife or husband. But that's the household, are complementary to each other and cover up each other's deficiencies.

Select the criteria for the right husband or wife

This is done before the wedding starts. In order for the creation of a family that sakinah, then in determining the criteria shall be the wife or husband right. Among these criteria such as Muslim and Saleh as well as shalehah, a descendant of the family and we believe that it is good.

Have the morals, manners and speak good words. It also needs to be done in order to as a way of creating family sakinah mawaddah warahmah the first time.

Obligations and rights as husband and wife With Good

In Islam has been widely taught bagaimanahak by his wife, the obligations of a wife. Anything that becomes part of an obligation of a husband, what are the rights of the husband in the household.

If all of them can be run well then this could be the way untukmenciptakan the harmonious family in a community environment.

So last few tips to grab a happy and harmonious family in a family. Because it is the beginning of family happiness both in creating the next generation of powerful Nations, faithful and good character as well as intelligent.


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