The greatest secret in woman hide from man

The greatest secret in woman hide from man

Women always have secrets that are often hidden from man, so there is a term that arose from the men who say that women are mysterious creatures difficult to guess the contents of his heart and his mind.

The custom of women like this will continue even after marriage and having a husband.

Basically every women want to understand by her partner under any circumstances.

Why is this so?

Because the woman is the figure of a soft heart and very sensitive in everything especially related to spouse or family.

Often the women always wear feelings before acting, while Conversely, men always wear a thought or logic before acting. This often makes women prefer to be quiet and just sighed inwardly harbored lamentations which endured

What secrets are often the masked women from her partner? Here are the 6 secret!

1. Women actually want the partner to a more active

Many women can affect many tasks at once without the help of anybody. If you want to compare women and men have equal responsibility.

If men work to earn a living, women take care of the House, cooking, keep and take care of the children, even the women, too, can work and do all those things.

But even so, most women far deep in her heart always want the partner to a more active and have the initiative in everything. But not all couples or men can understand this.

2. Women are in fact save the fear of losing

The woman is actually a very easy being fragile when faced with a problem but often the women always hide this weakness by acting as if the strong do not have problems.

Although the couple's relationship is fine, every woman always save the fear of losing.

Most women want to know and not behave as if it saw from the outside that a mate or the men who need it when in fact these women only cover weakness

3. Women actually like to be persuaded while being angry

When is angry because his partner made a mistake, most women will silence the thousand and one language or piece of me piece endlessly like gulls.

In a State like this woman actually just wanted in persuasion and want to hear the word "sorry", "I am sorry" or "I love you" from her partner.

When the man persuaded the woman, the woman would feel flying and anger that he feels will be lost in time.

4. Women are actually very fond of being praised

When women commit something good for couples, women are actually very expect praise from his partner.

Not that any work done the ladies insincere because they expect in return that is praise, but this is one way that can make a woman more excitement in doing something for the sake of their beloved ones.

For example, when the woman cooking a dish for her partner, she was keen to praise of the argillaceous subsoil explains as, "the delicious dishes you!" or "thanks for the delicious food". These simple words would be a positive impact for women for more excitement fun anymore mate.

5. Women are in fact able to read gestures

Every woman is not only sensitive to the couple, the woman also can read gestures his partner. Whether the couple was having problems or is lying, women can be found this just by looking at his partner's body motion.

As a man or husband, you should always remember this and strive to always open to women, because although women still and simply burrow does not mean women don't know each others partner's behaviour.

6. The woman actually likes surprise

Every woman loves a nice surprise. Often times women have given signs of when to expect surprises from his partner, for example, spontaneous woman will say to her partner, "A very nice Place well for a vacation", or "B ya very romantic Restaurant for dinner two of us".

The man, you have to be more conscious of this, because actually that's the code of your spouse who wish you take him or realize his wish. Pleasant surprises can make women happy and feel pampered.


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