In Order To Make The Stomach Sixpack Avoid these foods

In Order To Make The Stomach Sixpack Avoid these foods

Where is the man who does not want to have a body with six boxes lined up neatly on her stomach? Not even a little man who tried in various ways to get the ideal body. Not only that, it also offers various products supplement to his men to get sixpack stomach.

Do you also want the same thing? If Yes, to maximize the results of the exercises are you doing to form the belly of this dream, you should avoid these five food.

The reason is simple, because a row of these foods can make the effort to form a body you can be a total failure. Alerts you of the following is a row of foods that you should avoid for the sake of the formation of belly sixpack.

1. A product of the grain

Eating whole grains is indeed recommended in a healthy diet. However, some food products made from these grains is not so recommended such as white rice, white bread, white pasta and plain.

Researchers from Pennsylvania State University found that people who eat whole grains were able to preserve the health of a diet of fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and protein lost a lot of weight in the stomach area.

2. Potato Products

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine analyzed the weight changes more than 120,000 men and women for 20 years. The participants of the study inspected every four years. As a result, they found that the cause of the biggest weight increase caused by the consumption of potatoes and petrol products also in the form of potato chips.

3. Red meat and petrol

still in the same study, they found that people who eat more red meat along with some petrol products experiencing weight gain more than a pound every four years.

In another study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also found similar things. The researchers analyzed more than 370,000 people found that those who consumed the steak small size in a day experiencing weight gain about five pounds in the five-year term.

4. trans fat Products

Researchers at Wake Forest University doing research on a group of monkeys by applying two different diets. One group was given food intake with trans fat and other unsaturated fatty food intake. As a result, trans fat food group experienced a weight gain of about 7.2% in six years.

While unsaturated fatty food group only experienced a rise of around 1.8%. Not only add new fat, trans fat also are responsible to move fat from other areas to the stomach. Trans fat is found in some foods such as frozen pizza and snacks.

5. diet Soda

Usually people are very easy to be fooled by the label "zero calorie". In fact, the sodas made with sugar substitute is believed by many experts play an important role to promote weight loss. A new study published recently found that people who drink diet soda experience three times the increase in the amount of belly fat for a period of more than nine years.

Well, now you know what foods you should avoid, right? In addition to the latest research from the Weizmann Institute of Science found that the rats consuming drinking water with artificial sweeteners (saccharin, aspartame and sucralose) becomes prone to insulin resistance. They are also vulnerable on glucose that causes weight gain.


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