Trivial Things That In Doing This Could Damage The Wedding Wife

Trivial Things That In Doing This Could Damage The Wedding Wife

A harmonious marriage of realizing it was not easy. There must have been a stumbling block to be natural by married couples. In fact, if there is one party doing things that might be on a trivial and anggapnya could make his partner not happy then it would be no good at the wedding. Don't expect marriage will seamlessly smooth only if you often ignore the pair of you.

Indeed Yes, married at the time to be the dream of many in the expected order for marriage can be happy. For example there is a wife who wants to always be affectionately by husbands, hoping her husband is very understanding, loyal and diverse other wishes, but if the parties are not able to improve the quality of the wife herself? Such things are clearly not a draw, because marriage is able to co-exist, must be lived both and shouldn't be next to limp.

Even for some of the things done by the wife and mungkjn considered trivial can ruin a marriage. What are that? Please read the following:

1. always Harbored a feeling

Women often harbored feelings if her being disappointed, angry, sad or other things. This is done to maintain the feeling of a husband. Harbored feelings not sekalu nice as could be good or could be otherwise is not good.

Should any of your feelings can also be delivered on a husband, nor vice versa. Choose the right time to speak to your hearts content, do not disclose your feelings at the time of the husband's mood is being bad. Expressing feelings can these little dicicil, if the pendam continues later will become a time bomb.

2. Do not appreciate her husband

Women hope want to always lose, while men want to have always respected. The husband would want his wife to want to listen to what is on katakannnya. The husband also wants you to give sweet kisses her after giving her salary, her husband also wanted to give his wife an occasional massage lightly in the shoulder after coming home.

Therefore don't ignore things that seem trivial. Things that might be considered trivial as above will have an impact for both the husband and the husband's spirit could increase to appease You and your beloved children.

3. Busy Main Gadgets Than Kissing Or Hugging Husband

These days almost everyone is hard to escape from gadgetnya. However don't be kebablasan up to you more sweetheart with your gadgets rather than with her own husband. Don't get too sayik with gadgets and even makes you forget with beloved husband. TOO right?

4. Connect Again the same Former

Today women are also active in the friendship site online. With gadgets that owned already can establish communication with friends in social media.

May initially only greetings say hello with an ex-girlfriend, but it could have been from the greeting will continue with routine communications that later could be the problem and can ruin your wedding. Have limits and self control, however you've so the wife of the man who is currently being your husband.

5. More pay attention to the Child But her husband In Ignore

Every woman wants to be a good mother for her child. Giving affection and regard for the children is indeed becoming a must for the mother for her beloved. But often the woman can be a good mother for her son but forgot how to be a good wife to her husband.

Although caring for children is not easy and very wonderful capeknya, but your husband also need attention, kisses, hugs or affection from you. Seimbangkan the desire between wanting to be a good mother and a good wife too so for husband.

Problems That Can Trigger A Divorce The Husband And Wife

Married couples which one to bylaws ended in divorce? There are several factors and the causes why marriage that's been running so many years finally cracks and leads to divorce. Based on the results of several studies reveal that most divorce cases caused because of the problems of sex and finance.

The therapists who deal with relationships reveal if there are things considered trivial and simple but not completed soon will evolve into complex and could be a major issue impacting on the harmony of the husband and wife. Below are some of the problems that often in natural by husband and wife team that could trigger a divorce:

1. Poor communication

"The main problem in married couples wedding is the lack of effective communication," as said by psychotherapist Laura Young. This includes how couples argue that usually tends to be rebuked him or because there are other things that could threaten relations.

In order for effective communication and relationship goes well, suggestions of Young married couples is to dig out the differences openly. This will increase awareness of the nature of each that will ultimately appear acceptance and can offset one another.

2. Do not have time for fun

Same same busy and don't take the time to be with the husband and wife relationship could make so tenuous. So the relationship of husband and wife remain romantic, very important for the two sides to conduct dating back like when going out.

3. Too busy

Kemesraan can get if the husband and wife continue to build and nurture relationships, and not be left well enough alone.

When left untampered then the husband and wife will feel boredom, quarrels and can often appear as well as the intimacy will be lost. There is no problem if the husband and wife are busy but same same marriage you both should also be built. Enjoy the time being alone that is important in a marriage.

4. not sensitive or very sensitive

High sensitivity because of the words or behaviour of a spouse could engender anger, irritability, thought too can even stress. Or on the contrary, there is one partner is thus insensitive to other couples.

Insensitive and too sensitive will gradually accumulate and can lead to a sense of upset results in renggangnya the husband and wife relationship.

5. Too follow the desires of the couple

Married indeed uniting ourselves to be one with the couple. However, this does not mean you have to be someone else. You keep Your own thoughts and have the road so can be argued. If there is a difference of opinion, try to discuss with a partner.


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