How To Remove Skin Fungus

Skin disease is arguably the populist because it can strike anyone, but not many people know how to remove skin fungus quickly and effectively.

In the world of medicine's own skin fungus called Tinea Versicolor Versicolor or Pitiriasis.

This one's skin disease usually strikes in areas that are often issued in the face of such as sweat, back, neck, arms, and other places. Mushrooms in the genus malassezia is the cause of this skin disease.

In general the fungal skin marked with spots of white or Brown, depending on the color of the skin of sufferers.

It gets worse again, when sweating sufferers then it will feel very itchy. As I've said above that this skin disorder is an illness that populist.

Anyone can be afflicted by skin fungus, but in general more skin fungus attacking someone who was only in his teens because the age is always active and sweating.

Well to get rid of skin fungus is actually quite easy now because as we know that it's already an awful lot of product that can eliminate the skin fungus.

Unfortunately each of these products certainly contain chemicals, so there will be less friendly with our skin. For that you can try out some how to remove skin fungus naturally which I will review this time.

The way using a variety of natural ingredients such as garlic, galangal, SAP distance, and much more.

Just following some tips how to remove skin fungus that you can try.

1. Garlic

The first way that you can try is to use slices of garlic. Here's how easy enough, sliced garlic and then apply on the portion of your dikulit fungus.

Apply twice a day this way i.e. when after a bath in the morning and afternoon.

2. Galangal

How to eliminate mildew with galangal i.e. first grated galangal to taste first and then wring it out and grab some water. After that apply the juice directly on the water skin afflicted by fungus. This way you can apply after bathing.

3. Star fruit wuluh

Although hasilnnya is quite effective but unfortunately natural ingredients on this one is pretty hard to find. How to use it i.e. by mashing the star fruit wuluh to taste then combine with water whiting.

After that apply the mixture on the skin afflicted by panu. This way you can apply 2 times a day.

4. Sulphur, coconut oil, and lime juice

How to use it i.e. combine sulfur already mashed with coconut oil and water juice of lime.

After that, stir until blended and apply on the skin area afflicted by fungus. Try to apply this way 2kali a day so that the mushrooms in the skin quickly disappears.

5. pare and Leaf whiting

How namely puree leaves pare to taste then mix with whiting. After that balurkan the mixture on the skin afflicted by fungus. Doing it this way at least twice a day so that the mushrooms quickly lost.

That's 5 tips how to eliminate mildew naturally quickly I can give this time. Actually there is still a much more natural way, but probably some way above is sufficient.

You need to do i.e., apply one of the above ways on a regular basis in order to make the results more effective. Hopefully useful,,,,

Way for acne scars on the face disappear

Have facial breakouts occasionally make an appearance is not confident.

Acne is indeed be a serious problem if we don't know how the right way to eliminate.

In addition, sometimes acne also leave scars, which makes our face look unattractive.

Not many people know about how to remove acne scars.

Therefore, here I'll give some tips and ways to remove acne scars face became smooth and clean natural back and free from shame.

Check out 7 tips how to remove acne scars

1. Remove acne scars with Vitamin E Cream.

The first way that you can try to get rid of acne scars is to use cream or moisturizer has vitamin E in it.

Vitamin E is believed can help skin regeneration system so that it can help disguise blemishes of acne scars.

Use vitamin E cream on a regular basis, or for maximum results, you can also consume vitamin E in capsule form to help repair the skin from within.

2. Remove acne scars with Aloe Vera plant.

You can then choose to use products that contain Aloe Vera to reduce acne scars.

The benefits of Aloe Vera plant can help fades scars more quickly and improve the healing process on your skin.

Aloe Vera is usually available in the form of creams, gels, moisturizing aupun. However, each product will have different results on your skin.

So you may have to try a few products before getting the desired result.

3. Remove acne scars with ice cubes

If you are not sure to use products that contain harsh chemicals, you can try utilizing ice cubes to get rid of acne scars.

The trick is to rub ice cubes on the scar or acne scars on the face for at least fifteen minutes.

By doing so, will help refresh your skin and fades scars due to acne.

4. Remove acne scars with tomato.

Tomatoes can also be use for natural ingredients eliminates acne scars and freckles on your face. Here's how easy enough just by applying the sliced tomato on our face.

5. Remove acne scars with Cucumber Juice.

Cucumber or cucumber juice is the right ingredients to eliminate acne scars, the cucumber is also a natural toner create skin that can improve skin texture and clean the black stains on the skin.

6. Remove acne scars with Bengkoang.

Bengkoang already in use from the first to care for beauty. water from the sari bengkoang has natural deposits which can lift the dead skin cells on the skin and make acne scars will fade and long kelaman eliminate acne scars from your beautiful face.

7. Remove acne scars with detoxification.

You can choose to do a detox your body from the inside to improve the condition of your skin.

By releasing toxins in the body, will certainly give a good impact for the health of your skin, so skin cells regenenerasi process will go well.

In doing so, the stains on the face are caused by acne scars will be tersamarkan gradually and will disappear.

By running tips and how to remove acne scars above, you will get the maximum results.

So that the face is so smooth and free from blemishes of acne scars.


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